Please note that our subscription to Quizlist interactive has expired. Since AR at Renaissance Place is not active outside school, parents are unable to access AR's book guide as well.  Many parents are trying to locate AR books and don't know how. Here is another way to do it....use Destiny Quest.

 Destiny Quest is the online library catalog for Broward Schools and it includes AR level and point value for books. It is linked to the media center webpage at 
 Look on the left column under Cybercindy's links.

Here's how to get a special list:

1. Students log in using their student number for user name and birthdate for password (this is exactly the same as BEEP)

2. Then they can search for books and use the limiter of Quiz type AR and note the AR reading level.

3. This will produce a list of books in our school that is within their reading level (and the list will be long!)

4. There is an additional choice to select all schools in Broward County for interlibrary loan. They can request books from other schools and they will be sent to the media center.